Chinese Medicine for Diabetes.

Obesity, the abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat within the body, has become a global epidemic secondary to high caloric food intake and a sedentary lifestyle. Under physiological conditions, excessive free fatty acid (FFA) is converted to triglycerides or cholesterol esters and stored in lipid droplets inside adipocytes. The initial deposition of triglycerides occurs in subcutaneous adipose tissue, and as the deposition increases in size, insulin resistance rises and limits further subcutaneous lipid accumulation. Triglycerides are then diverted to the visceral fat depot as well as to nonadipose tissue. The latter is also known as ectopic lipid accumulation and may be associated with insulin resistance and β cell dysfunction. In the skeletal muscle and liver, fat deposition is related to the development of insulin resistance. In the pancreatic islets, FFA and triglycerides accumulation induce β cell functional impairment and lipoapoptosis. Therefore, ectopic lipid accumulation is often associated with the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).

I have diabetes. What should I do?

When diagnosed with diabetes, The first thing that you should do is to control your blood sugar levels. In addition to diet and exercise, staying fit is essential to diabetes control. People with diabetes should consume less starchy foods such as rice, bread, buns, meat-based foods. And focus on vegetable foods But be careful with sweet fruits, broth, and nectar.

Why is high blood sugar dangerous?

The high blood sugar levels. Affect various systems in the body, and it becomes aggravated over time, allowing uncontrolled high blood sugar levels such as the cardiovascular system. It increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. And affect the small blood vessels that feed the retina Resulting in a visual change. It also often affects the nervous system. Such as the feet Makes foot wounds challenging to heal and spread may even require organ excision. However, diabetes is one of the leading causes of kidney failure. Overall, people with diabetes are at least twice the risk of death than people who don’t.

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. In clinical practice, symptoms include frequent urination, thirst, frequent hunger, and loss of weight. When the symptoms are chronic, there will be many complications.

The cause of the disease is genetic. The five solid organs are weak. Kidney Yin Deficiency, Overeating sweet and oily food, Mood imbalance, Long sitting, lack of movement and exercise, working hard or being in too much comfort, etc.

This disease is common. It is a disease that has devastated public health over the years. The incidence of this disease tends to be higher every year. By treating diabetes through traditional Chinese medicine, can help effectively reduce and prevent many of the side effects of diabetes.

Diagnosis by traditional Chinese medicine method

Symptoms of thirst, frequent hunger, often urination, thin body, or high blood sugar, are the primary diagnoses of diabetes. Some patients may not have any of the above symptoms. But by middle age, they will begin to have apparent symptoms and often like to eat fatty and spicy food and become obese with tuberculosis, edema, dizziness, angina, and Cerebrovascular disease, blindness, abscess, etc., or vice versa. If you have these diseases, they may have diabetes.

Treatment patterns

1. Lung heat syndrome

Principle of treatment: eliminate heat in the lungs, Nourish and moisturize the kidneys, Nourish the Qi.

2. Accumulated heat in ST syndrome.

Principles of treatment: Nourish the Kidney Yin, strengthen the function of the kidney.

3. Qi and Yin Deficiency syndrome

Principles of treatment: Enhance the spleen Qi, Create fluid, nourish the stomach, nourish the Qi and Yin, supplement the spleen and kidneys.

4. Kidney Yin Deficiency Syndrome

Treatment principle: eliminate heat in the Stomach, Nourish Yin, Reduce frustration, nourish Qi, Balance Stomach.

5. Yin and Yang Deficiency Syndrome

Principle of treatment: Tonify Yin Nourish the kidney, Tonify Yang, Warm KD yang.

Xiao Ke (消渴)”. In general, disease mechanisms are underlying causes of Yin Deficiency. Heat and dryness are symptoms manifested and affect the Lung, Stomach, and kidney. The principles of treatment tend to focus on the kidneys by nourishing the Kidney Yin and clear heat

Chinese herbs for diabetes

At present, Chinese medicine can use with modern drugs, including:

Jiao Tai wan (交 泰 丸)

Grand Communication Pill can help relieve fatty liver disease symptoms and high cholesterol. It can also lower blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 who lack glycemic control.

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (六味 地 黄 丸)

Six-Ingredients Pill with Rehmannia has properties that help nourish the cold element and nourish the kidneys. It can help lower blood sugar levels, relieving complications in the nervous system, and kidney system in patients with diabetes. Modify Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wa (济 生 肾气 丸, and Ba Wei Di Huang Wan 八味 地 黄 丸)can reduces thirst, blurred vision, frequent urination, and Cold hands and feet, etc.

Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang (白虎 加 人 参汤) , Bai Hu Tang (白虎 汤), Yu Quan Wan (玉泉 丸), Gan Lu Yin (甘露 饮

White Tiger plus Ginseng Decoction, White Tiger Decoction, Jade Spring Pill, and Sweet Dew Drink has properties that help relieve symptoms of anxiety due to thirst and fatigue.

Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (学府 逐瘀 汤)

Drive out stasis in the mansion of blood decoction allows the blood to circulate smoothly and relieve peripheral neuropathy.

Tang Mai Kang Jiao Nang (糖 脉 康 胶囊)

It is used to treat type 2 diabetes and complications which include Insulin resistance, Hypertriglyceridemia, Peripheral neuropathy, and blockage of blood vessels by stimulating the hormone insulin to work better.

The study found that Chinese herbal medicine can help relieve symptoms caused by diabetes or complications of diabetes and promote the effectiveness of modern drugs used to treat diabetes, including reducing the side effects arising from the use of western medicines. In the next blog, we will get to know the food and proper exercise. These two are the keys to improve the quality of life of people with diabetes.

Acupuncture treatment

Diabetes is related to the Lungs, Stomach, and Kidney. In mainly, the most important is the kidneys. Therefore, the method of treatment by acupuncture method. Chinese doctors will select an acupuncture point related to this part of the body.

Other Remedies are Ear seed acupuncture, Tui Na, Injection Therapy, Qi Gong, Herbal for bath, and Iontophoresis with Chinese medicine, subcutaneous acupuncture, diet, and exercise.

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